Hi Zaki,
You can also use "Export Objects" to save reassembled objects:
Open the file http_witp_jpegs.cap.
Go to:
File | Export | Objects | HTTP
Select packet number 479 in the "Wireshark: HTTP objects list" dialog box.
Hit "Save As" to save the file.
Best regards
On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 14:50:16 +0700 Zaki Akhmad wrote:
>I am conducting analaysis on a web application. This web app, using
>HTTP GET method. With HTTP GET method this web app sent a .key file
>with its path.
>I am trying to reassemble this .key file. Is it possible to do this?
>Need hints here.
>I've followed some resources on wireshark wiki on reassemble a jpeg
>file[1] with its pcap file[2]
>Zaki Akhmad