Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] L2CP and Slow Network

From: Giles Coochey <giles@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2011 16:33:06 +0100
On 04/10/2011 02:32, Josue Del Valle wrote:

We recently received a call from Brighthouse letting us know that we were sending to much L2CP traffic to them and they asked us if we could stop it because it could cause performance issues.
You nearly got a call from me about sending too much large attachments 
to discussion mailing lists... did you really need to post a 13.8Mb text 
packet capture to the list, and do you really think that anybody is 
going to trawl through it or be vaguely interested in any way other than 
hitting the delete button??

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