Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Wireshark -- No GUI available after starting.

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From: David Alanis <canito@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 08:41:30 -0500
Quoting ` <user@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

No GUI after wireshark is started on a win-7 64-bit install.  Upon left
clicking/starting wireshark, we are only offered a taskbar icon/button
with absolutely no GUI or parts thereof.

We have tried both 32/64 bit versions of:

Wireshark 1.6.x and 1.4.x

Please advise.

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I have no problems running the latest 64 bit Wireshark version on a Win7 64bit.

Have you tried running/opening it with administrator privileges?

Either way it works for me, however I can only capture packets when running with admin rights.

Have you looked at your application event logs for any error messages? And when you say that the icon appears have you tried selecting to restore from the icon menu choices?

Do you have multiple screens on this system?

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