Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Isue with Dynamic Payload types for RTP with H264 Nals

From: Anders Broman <anders.broman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 15:15:07 +0200
As H264 does not have a fixed paylod type there can't be a default. I think that if the SDP/setup info is in the traces H264 will be automatically
detected otherwise you will have to set the PT in the preferences to the PT used in the trace.
0 should be "Not registered for any PT" as there is more dissectors for dynamic payload types, AMR is one.

From: wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of NITIN GOYAL
Sent: den 27 september 2011 14:58
To: Community support list for Wireshark
Subject: [Wireshark-users] Isue with Dynamic Payload types for RTP with H264 Nals


I have a query regarding RTP dynamic payload type.
in wireshark, for H264 value, the default value is set as 0 and I am able to see the h264 NALs in RTP when we have dynamic payload type as 96.

But when we have the dynamic payload type as 99, we are not able to see the h264 NALs directly and we need to add that value to the H264 dynamic payload types and then only we will m be able the H264.

I want to know what is the default value being considered by wireshark for this and how do i know about it what has been considered.,

Can anyone please help me out on the same.