Ok, I got the solution.
I can select both the RTP Streams (Forward and Reverse) and click on Analyze. Instead of saving them as payload, I can use the Built in Player of Wireshark. Click on Player.
This brings up the RTP Player.
Click on Decode and leave the jitter buffer at its default value.
This will provide both the forward and reverse streams to us.
It provides a checkbox below each stream. We need to select both the checkboxes for the forward and reverse streams and play.
Now, I can listen to both sides conversation at the same time.
--- On Thu, 9/1/11, firstname lastname <psykosonik_frequenz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: firstname lastname <psykosonik_frequenz@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [Wireshark-users] Save RTP Stream for both sides Conversation
> To: wireshark-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Thursday, September 1, 2011, 2:44 PM
> Hi,
> I have a network capture file consisting of a conversation
> made using VoIP. However, when I go to telephony -> VoIP
> Calls, it doesn't detect any VoIP Calls. My guess is that
> since it didn't capture the call setup messages as well, so
> no VoIP Calls are detected.
> So, in order to listen to the conversation, I decided to
> listen to the RTP Stream.
> No frames were detected as RTP. There were many UDP frames.
> Assuming that RTP packets got detected as UDP.
> I selected one UDP Packet among the huge array of many
> consecutive UDP packets. Right clicked on it, selected
> "Decode As RTP".
> Now, these frames appeared as RTP in the network capture
> file.
> Next, I wanted to save this RTP Conversation. I followed
> this approach:
> Telephony -> RTP -> Show All Streams
> It showed two streams.
> Between Party A and Party B
> Between Party B and Party A
> each of these streams have only "one way conversation"
> saved in them.
> To save the payload, I selected one stream, clicked on
> Analyze and in the new pop up window, clicked, on Save
> Payload (with raw and forward selected).
> The format selected was .ul.
> I used SoX to convert this to a wav format.
> sox test.ul test.wav
> Now when I play this media file using Windows Media Player,
> only one side conversation is played. Which means I can hear
> only Party A talking.
> Next, I selected the second stream, between Party B and A,
> this time around, following the same steps as above to save
> the conversation. I was able to listen to Party B's
> conversation.
> My question is, how do I save the streams in such a way
> that I can listen to the conversation of both the parties in
> the same file?
> I tried selecting both the streams at once and followed the
> above approach. It by default saved the conversation only
> for the first source in the list.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> NeonFlash
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