Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] localhost versus url

From: David Alanis <canito@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 17:28:26 -0600
Quoting Tony Anecito <adanecito@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hi All,

I was running some performance tests last week and noticed with the client app
running on the same server or apache web server machine the response time was
much better when using localhost in the url versus my domain name.

Do you have the domain entered correctly in your /etc/hosts file?

During your performance tests whilst using the FQDN did you notice any weird DNS/Reverse lookups for your domain name?

That definately sounds fishy, but not improbable.

 I assumed
somehow the connection is bypassing my router and connecting to the apache
process directly. Is that so and if not what should I see on Wireshark if
anything? Or is even the tcp/ip stack short circuited?

Let me make sure I understand, if you configure Apache (e.g.) with the domain name it is much slower than configuring Apache with the localhost name?


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