Hello Sake,
actually trying it just now. Actually it seems as interesting idea.
2011/3/8 Sake Blok <sake@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 8 mrt 2011, at 19:43, Lukáš Oliva wrote:
>> actually this is what I somehow expected. Is there a way how to filter
>> out just the packets I want? Like: filter out all frames containing
>> LIR message but display only LIR messages?
> I think you can do it with:
> diameter.cmd.code==302 and not diameter.cmd.code!=302
>> I mean could I somehow
>> filter this using capture filters (I think this is not possible, but
>> just for sure)
> Capture filters are limited to (reasonably) fixed offsets to look for stuff, so it will not work with capture filters....
>> or how to use display filters with some more precise
>> configuration saying display LIR messages only?
> Why don't you give the above filter a shot and if it does not work, send a little tracefile with the frame you DO and the frames you DON'T want and I'll give it another shot...
> Cheers,
> Sake
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