Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Cannot get wireshark mac-lte to work

From: Martin Mathieson <martin.r.mathieson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 08:22:26 +0100

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 6:26 PM, yi lu <luyi_louie@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I downloaded wireshark 1.2.10 linux version on my Ubuntu PC and successfully built it and was able to run it. Now I am trying to use  MAC-LTE packet dissector on my PC. But, currently I am finding difficulty in using it.

There are many changes and improvements to this dissector made in the last year, and none of them have been copied to the 1.2 branch.
Fisrtly. I am using UDP packets to carry MAC-LTE frames.
Secondly,  I am using the packet-mac-lte.h from 1.2.10 release and the sample program "mac_lte_logger.c" file given at wireshark site to generate the packets.
Thirdly. I checked "try heuristics sub-dissector  first" on udp protocol in preference.

I assume (from info below) that you also turned on the heuristic preference in the mac-lte dissector.
Currently, I can see UDP packets in wireshark and UDP data starts with "mac-lte". but, why can it not be decoded?

Help please!

I'm not sure why it hasn't worked, but I'd strongly recommend moving to either the latest 1.4 release candidate, or (better) the current svn sources, where I know this functionality is being used.  If you still have problems there, I'd be happy to you to debug it.

Best regards,


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