On 8/10/2010 1:36 AM, Sake Blok wrote:
On 10 aug 2010, at 04:53, Jeffs wrote:
On 8/9/2010 10:47 PM, Jeffs wrote:
On 8/9/2010 11:25 AM, Sake Blok wrote:
Have a look at the presentation I gave at Sharkfest'10, it shows you how you can accomplish something quite similar with Tshark and some (minor) scripting. You should be able to change the commands to your needs.
Question: in the wonderful example in that paper for finding the top 10
requested URLs, with this formula:
tshark -r example.cap -R http.request -T fields -e http.host -e
http.request.uri | sed -e 's/?.*$//' | sed -e
's#^\(.*\)\t\(.*\)$#http://\1\2#' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head
Where does one set the top "10"? How would I change that to, say, top
"20" or whatever? Or does uniq -c always just produce the top 10?
I can now answer my own question:
TIP: During my presentation @ Sharkfest'10 I built the command sequence step by step, you might want to try that too to get a full grasp of what each step does. That way you will be able to craft your own command sequence a little easier.
I have come up with the following tshark formula which seems to address
my needs. Since I am not interested in the URLs from advertising
agencies, videos and other embedded links in web pages, but only the top
level domain I use this. Please let me know if anyone sees any gotchas
or potential problems with this formula I'm very new to regex
expressions and could use advice. This formula will return only the top
level domains and strips out links such as admin.brightcove.com,
advertisingserver.amazon.com, tubemogel.videos.com:
tshark -r test.cap -R http.request -T fields -e http.host | sed -e
's/?.*$//' | sed -e 's#^\(.*\)\t\(.*\)$#http://\1\2#' | sort | uniq -c |
sort -rn | head -n 300 | sed -n -e '/www/p'