Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] filter for ONLY initial get request

From: Jeffs <jeffs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 00:56:17 -0400
On 8/8/2010 12:02 AM, David Alanis wrote:
Quoting Jeffs<jeffs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I am working on a project which requires that the traffic across the
network grab ONLY the initial get request for http requests.  Usually,
if I use something like wireshark or justniffer, on a single user's get
request for, say, http://www.nytimes.com, I will receive all the
following traffic and then some, based on just one request to


Is there  a way in wireshark or in any other network analysis tool to
grab or filter out just the initial http request for the domain and
disregard all the other follow up hosts (usually associated advertising)
that accompanies these requests?

In other words, all I want to log or see in the filter results, in the
above example, would be:


Thank you.
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I put it a simple filter of:

http.request || tcp contains domain.com

and it appears to have accomplished what you asked.


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That works if I know the domain name. In this scenario the nytimes.com domain was just used as an example. In the real world there will be no way of knowing what the domains will be that people surf to.

I'm guessing there is no way within wireshark to extract ONLY the very first http get request from a transaction.