Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] 802.11 Decryption works under Mac, doesnt work under Vista
Ivan Miskevich wrote:
I'm capturing traffic from my home Wi-Fi network using MacBook Intel
laptop in promiscuous mode (802.11).
I setup 802.11 decryption in Wireshark for MacOS using known SSID and
passphrase. Decryption works, I'm able to see tcp packets in the packet
flow, the IP's and contents are real.
The problem appears when I try to open saved pcap files under Windows
Vista at another laptop. I can't decrypt neither using passphrase+SSID,
nor by generating PSK key sequence using online tool
My home network encryption settings are Security type: WPA2-Personal,
encryption type AES (this is what I observe in "Manage Wireless
Networks"). The wireshark is the latest downloaded from website.
Is it possible that the Vista version is 64-bit? Not all of the
libraries Wireshark uses (e.g., for decryption) are available on 64-bit
Windows. If you cut-n-paste the info from the Help->About menu it can
give a lot of useful information.