Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] 答复: question, how to output specific fields in a complex pack

From: "damker" <damker@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 12:13:07 +0800

Thanks, the theory  is ok, but something others happened.

My OS is WIN7+ActivePerl 5.10,


When using

tshark.exe  -T pdml -r "d:\temp\MCNew.cap"  | perl -ane "@flist=qw(m3ua.protocol_data_opc m3ua.protocol_data_dpc h248.transactionId); foreach $f (@flist) { if(/field name=\"$f\".*show=\"(.*?)\".*/){print "$f:$1,";}}" > d:\temp\mcnew.txt


error reported:

syntax error at -e line 1, near "$f:"

Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

tshark: An error occurred while printing packets: Invalid argument.


When using

tshark.exe  -T pdml -r "d:\temp\MCNew.cap"  | perl -ane "@flist=qw(m3ua.protocol_data_opc m3ua.protocol_data_dpc h248.transactionId); foreach $f (@flist) { if(/field name=\"$f\".*show=\"(.*?)\".*/){print "$f,$1,";}}" > d:\temp\mcnew.txt


result is:



there is no char “,”,any suggestion to solve this?



发件人: wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 代表 Martin Visser
发送时间: 2010713 8:03
收件人: Community support list for Wireshark
主题: Re: [Wireshark-users] question, how to output specific fields in a complex packet using tshark command line


Unfortunately each -e field only matches a single instance. You are better off parsing the PDML output, that outputs all of the fields by iterating through the field. I have created a perl one-liner that can do this:-

tshark.exe  -T pdml -r "MCNew.cap"  | perl -ane '@flist=qw(m3ua.protocol_data_opc m3ua.protocol_data_dpc h248.transactionId);\
foreach $f (@flist) {\
 if(/field name=\"$f\".*show=\"(.*?)\".*/){print "$1,";}}'

Output is:


Note that it seems (with this protocol) that as there seems to be a variable number of same field and some are option (for instance the second opc/dpc set doesn't have a matching transactionId), I would include the field name in the output so:

tshark.exe  -T pdml -r "MCNew.cap"  | perl -ane '@flist=qw(m3ua.protocol_data_opc m3ua.protocol_data_dpc h248.transactionId);\
foreach $f (@flist) {\
 if(/field name=\"$f\".*show=\"(.*?)\".*/){print "$f:$1,";}}'


Regards, Martin


2010/7/12 damker <damker@xxxxxxxx>



发件人: damker [mailto:damker@xxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 2010712 16:26
收件人: 'Wireshark-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
主题: help,how to output specific fields in a complex packet using tshark command line



The attachment is a packet captured in the Mc interface, there are 8 SCTP and upper layers, I want to output all the m3ua.protocol_data_opc, m3ua.protocol_data_dpc,h248.transactionId in every M3UA.

If put the file in d:\temp\ and using the command line below:


tshark -r d:\temp\MCNew.cap -T fields -E separator=, -e m3ua.protocol_data_opc -e m3ua.protocol_data_dpc -e h248.transactionId >d:\temp\h248.txt


it output the last m3ua.protocol_data_opc, m3ua.protocol_data_dpc,h248.transactionId,not all. how to write a correct command line to output all the fields I want?

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