I’ve build a test platform with Linux Ubuntu and I want to capture and store pcap file directly to another server (Win7 64bits).
I’ve installed the smbfs 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 package and mounted the share on /mnt/trace
mount -t smbfs // /mnt/trace -o workgroup=WORKGROUP,username=admin
Then I’m able to write a file in my share both from shell (mkdir test) and from a gnome app (gedit), but not from Wireshark. I got the message:
The file “/mnt/trace/test/pcap” could not be opened: Value to big for defined datatype.
Therefore I use dumpcap that does the job very well (but without GUI): sudo dumpcap -i any -p -b filesize:512000 -w /mnt/trace /capture.pcap
Is there something wrong with this or is this a bug ?
Clément JEANNE.
Stagiaire R&D.
Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 04 80 60
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