Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Slow internet

From: kevin creason <ckevinj@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 10:07:30 -0500
You need to be connected to a switchport that gives you ALL the network traffic or at least the traffic on your outbound connection.  Otherwise you are only going to be able to capture the traffic that your switchport assigns to you/your computer.
You will have to consult your switch's documentation on how to accomplish this, some manufacturers use different terms like mirror, monitor, tap, and some may accomplish slightly different functionality.

/*“ I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done. ” -- Henry Ford  */

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Kelly McLaurin <kellymclaurin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

My users complain about slow internet.

We have a T1 line for 15 users.


PC PITStop shows the following stats :


Download Speed: 59 kbps (7.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 655 kbps (81.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 94 ms



Our T1 provider says we are using all bandwidth.


When I run Wireshark, I don't show anything that appears to be a real bandwidth hog.

A 2 minute run of Wireshark shows avg bytes per second is 318.

So LAN traffic seems lite.


How can I troubleshoot where the real problem lies?






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