I am writing a dissector for a custom protocol and have a situation where packets on the wire may contain one or more frames. Also one frame can straddle across many packets. When I detect that a frame is straddling across multiple packets I would like to be able to set some custom data on pinfo to say how far I have progressed in getting the frame during the first pass (while recording traffic). I need this information stored per packet, as the dissector is can be called on random packet (due to user selecting one packet in the UI).
I tried using pinfo.private_data and set some value on it by the following code in the dissector method:
print("pinfo.private_data: "..tostring(pinfo.private_data))
pinfo.private_data = {"mydata", 1, 2, 3, 4}
print("pinfo.private_data: "..tostring(pinfo.private_data))
This prints out the following:
pinfo.private_data: userdata: 0x7fff1c257f20
pinfo.private_data: userdata: 0x7fff1c257f20
As you see the data that I am trying to set is not being retained in pinfo.private_data.
Is there a way to store some private data on pinfo that is retained next time the dissector is called with the same packet?
Any workaround or suggestion is appreciated.
I am using Version 1.2.7 of Wireshark on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
Best Regards,
Director of Management Services
>|< Kaazing Corporation >|<
888, Villa St. Suite #410, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA