hi all,
I'm new of this mailing list. I have a little problem with old
stable wireshark. My user has not a super user, as in Debian as in
other distribution, I use this for added security of my computer.
The problem is:
a) in old version there is a function named "Wireshark as root", this
permit me to use wireshark from my user using root password, now this
is impossible.
b) if I try to use wireshark run it from a root terminal, wireshark
start regularly, but when I stop it I must close and open again the
terminal to start again wireshark, it's difficult above of all I need
stop and start wireshark much times in my work section.
c) If I try to use a different distribution from Debian, Ubuntu for
example with a super user, the problem a and b remain and I can't run
correctly wireshark neither with a super user.
Any one can help me to understarnd better why there is this problem
and as is it possible use correctly the new version of wireshark,
I try to view the hisoric list and the faq but I don't find nothing
that can help me.
"the future is now here, but we live yet in the past"
Micaela Gallerini