Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Aggregating PCAP files

From: Nicolas Greneche <nicolas.greneche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 16:23:25 +0200
Hi all,

I use FreeBSD 8.0 64 bits. I record network traces on my network this way with dumpcap :

dumpcap -i bridge0 -w /store/pcap/fede/capture.pcap -b filesize:300000 -b files:1500

Interface bridge0 is composed of em1 en em0 which are connected to a Network TAP. It works well and I developped a small shell script that select a subset of files given a time interval.

I tried to send this subset of pcap files to a named pipe like this :

cat fic1.pcap fic2.pcap ... > /my/named/pipe

With a tshark on the named pipe :

tshark -i /my/named/pipe -w /store/pcap/dns.pcap 'dst port 53'

With a "filter capture" to get only DNS traffic in dns.pcap
And when I re read this pcap like this :

tshark -r /store/pcap/dns.pcap

I got all the traffic (not only dns). I also tried with a "read filter" :

tshark -i /my/named/pipe -w /store/pcap/dns.pcap -R "udp.port==53"

It is all the same in the resulting pcap. Did I missed something about filter ?

Thanks for your help,

Nicolas Greneche -  RSSI et Sysadmin
Centre de Ressources Informatiques (CRI)
Doctorant au sein du projet SDS - www.sds-project.fr
Mail : nicolas.greneche_(at)_univ-orleans.fr
GPG  : http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5FEBD0EF

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