Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] match packets at sender and receiver

From: Ian Schorr <ian.schorr@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 21:51:43 +1000
No automated way in Wireshark that I'm aware of.

How many point samples do you need?  How many comparisons are you making?

If it's just a handful, what's wrong with the manual approach?  Just
locate a few matching packets in each capture (with TCP, *start* by
just searching the second capture for some TCP sequence number in the
first, which are likely to be unique within each capture unless it's
quite large), and, well, compare their timestamps.  It shouldn't take
more than a minute, tops, per comparison you're doing.

Or if you're a shell scripter and have some control over the traffic
in your sample captures, perhaps generate your own unique traffic -
some "ping" with a unique data pattern, maybe.  Then use tshark+some
filtering, extract the timestamps using a shell script, and do a
little work to compare and print the time deltas between the systems.

Do you have more details on the testing you're trying to do; how much
control you have over conditions (can you generate your own unique
traffic between each host during a given test?), etc?  That'd help
with giving you some technique ideas.

Remember that if you're using the traffic captures to compare time,
though, then any network latency will make your comparison less

Once upon a time I had written a simple program that took two network
captures taken on two time-synchronized capture devices, and outputted
the time deltas between all matching TCP packets exchanged between
systems.  Its purpose was to "independently" and "transparently"
measure network latencies from various points on the network over
time, but it'd also probably work for what you're doing.  I'm pretty
sure it's long gone (7 or 8 years gone), but I'll try to remember to
check for it when I'm in the office tomorrow.  I suppose it wouldn't
be TOO difficult to re-write, especially using Wireshark libs as a


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Andrej van der Zee
<andrejvanderzee@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is possible to match packets at the sender and
> receiver end of the connection. Suppose I have two cap-files for the
> same period between hosts A and B that communicate with each other,
> can I match packets that are send from A to B, as the packets are
> sniffed at both sides of the line?
> One of the problems I am trying to solve is to detect time differences
> between the two hosts, preferably on a per-second basis in case of
> possible clock skews. I thought maybe I could compare the timestamps
> at host A and B for the same packets, as a starting point.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Andrej
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