J�nos L�bb wrote:
> That particular dll wshenu.dll - Windows Scripting Host English - does
> not even exist on the client PC and it does not exist on the DFS
> servers either. However Windows Exploder, IE and any script created
> with Windows Scripting is looking for it.
> http://forum.sysinternals.com/topic5696.html
> Rephrasing my question, how can I use the capture file to show the DFS
> admin that there is a problem here. I sent him similar captures 3
> months ago.
Why not just use one of the solutions in the sysinternals link? It is a
Windows problem, not the DFS.
The upgrade to wsh 5.7 looks the better solution.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
-- Dr. Who