Dear Wireshark Team,
* I downloaded Development Release Source code "wireshark-1.3.0.tar.gz" from
following link
* Opened Wireshark Developer's Guide PDF from following Link
* Refered Section 3.5.1 to Build Wireshark on Unix Platform and started
building wireshark
* Typed "./" command and it seems to went well, i attached logs in
"autogenLog.txt" for this command.
* Then Typed "./configure" command without any option and it seems to went
well, i attached logs
in "configure.txt" for this command.
* Then Typed "make" and it DOES'T seem to go well, i attached logs in
"makeLog.txt" for this command.
ERROR in the end is "gcc: @LIBSMI_LDFLAGS@: No such file or directory"
After this error compilation is exited.
I attached 2 log files for "make" command "makeLog.txt" (Logs came in
file) and"makeConsole.txt" (Logs came on console)
Can you please tell me how to resolve this error and compile/build and
install the new image of wireshark?
I will appreciate early response for the same :-))
Best Regards,
--Raj Sharma
Description: Binary data