Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Spotting HTTPS handshake problem with Wireshark

From: Mariano Eloy Fernández <mefernandez@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 10:40:40 +0200

I am new to Wireshark and I'm trying to analyze the following set up.
There's a problem in a HTTPS communication. The client is authenticating with a valid certificate. The server is giving us a 403 error code.
The server admin has sent me a .cap file captured with Wireshark.
How can I filter all this traffic data to spot the error? There's just too much data in there.

I am used to going through SSL log files generated with Java when javax.net.debug is on.
I usually search for something like "Bad certificate" or "Unkown Certificate" or "No chain".
How can I transform this .cap data into something I can read and understand with Wireshark?

Thanks in advance,
