Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Why does wireshark not recognize my RTP packets in the correct

From: André Loddenkemper <loddenkemper@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 13:08:24 +0200

at work I have programmed my own RTP stack to send data (wrapped in RTP packets) through the network to another pc, where it can be recieved by a voip application.

For testing purposes I am sending the RTP data to my own computer and watching the traffic with wireshark, where I can see all the RTP packets I sent. The problem is: Wireshark just recognizes those packets as "UDP" and not as "RTP" as it should be. My first guess was, I did something wrong in the RTP header. I checked it and everything there is OK, I think.
And on top of that: If I select such and UDP packet, right-click and decode it manually as a RTP packet, everything is fine. Now, with "decode as RTP", Wireshark does recognize all my packets in the correct way. Every field of the RTP header is correct. I compared it bit by bit with RTP packets from Ekiga, it is exactly the same.

I now have spent several days, re-coding and testing.
So my question is: How is that possible? Any Ideas? Why does wireshark not recognize my RTP packets in the correct way?
