Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] wireshark performance issues

From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 18:09:44 -0700

On Sep 1, 2009, at 8:19 AM, martin wrote:

Does anybody know if there is any intentions to address the single- threaded implementation of Wireshark in the future? Wireshark is a great tool but suffers from performance issues when tracing a conversation or doing other filtering for instance.

What you *should* be asking is "is there any intention to improve Wireshark's performance when tracing a conversation or doing other filtering?" Ask whether there is an intent to improve performance, not whether there's an intent to use a particular mechanism for improving performance, as there might be ways of improving performance more effective than just throwing more CPU at the problem (especially if, for example, the problem is with memory usage, not CPU usage).

The answer to that question is "yes"; a bunch of changes have been checked into the main branch that should improve performance in a number of places, and at least some of them will, I think, address the items you're talking about. There are also a number of ideas that haven't been implemented yet.

And, yes, some thought has been given to what would be involved in using more than one CPU core to do dissection. It's not trivial - packet dissection is not even close to an "embarrassingly parallel" problem, as the dissection of a given packet can, in a number of ways, depend on previous packets.

There will probably have to be a more general notion of "conversations", with conversations existing at multiple protocol layers (both above and below the network and transport layers), and packets within a conversation for that protocol will, for many protocols, *not* be able to be dissected in parallel, at least for that protocol. If a capture has enough separate conversations at all layers, there should be enough parallelism to get some performance gains (where "enough" might be "at least as many conversations as there are independent cores"; whether "cores" should be replaced by "processor threads" with multi-threaded processors is another matter).