I would like to display filter on 200 known IPs, which if not practical
in the GUI.
Could I put the filter into one of the dfiles found in the filders tab?
Or is there perhaps a better way?
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 18:48:07 -0400
From: "Lori" <Verdandi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-users] How do I change the default capture
To: "Community support list for Wireshark"
Message-ID: <1E7C8F8A6AFE46FBB41DEFD70A638145@Quad>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
How do I change the default capture filter?If you click on Help | About Wireshark and go to the Folders tab, it will show you the path for both Global and Personal configurations.
Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bland, Alan
To: wireshark-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: [Wireshark-users] How do I change the default capture filter?
At some time in the past I created a filter and managed to set it as the default filter, because every time I start Wireshark and start a capture that filter is shown in the "capture filter" text box.
This is a problem because I deleted the filter, so it is not found.
How do I remove this default setting.
To fix it I resorted to uninstalling wire shark (1.0.7) and reinstalled it. The default filter was the non-existent filter.
I uninstalled wireshark and install ethereal (0.99). The default filter was still the non-existent filter.
I uninstalled ethereal and installed wireshark (2.0 the July 2009 release). The default capture filter was still the non-existent filter.
I scanned the registry for the name of the filter. Not found.
I searched the entire C: drive looking for the filter by name. Not found.
This is like a spirit from the other side that has not found peace and cannot rest.
Your help is needed. How do I remove this setting?