Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Large capturing - memory problem

From: "Phillips, Christopher M" <cmphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 16:32:09 +0100

Your not going to be able to load 80GB into memory.  You need to slim things down and split the data up.


Step 1: Use tshark the command line equiv to Wireshark  to capture to files.  Use the –b duration option to so the tshark moves onto another capture file every X seconds or when the file reaches a certain size.  This allows you to process the data in chunks.  Also depending on what you are interested in use the –s option to limit the size of the information captured.  Ie. If you only want the packet headers use the min which I think is 64.



tshark -i 1 -b duration:60 -s 64 -f 'not broadcast and not multicast and not icmp' -n -w C:\temp\my_capture_file_prefix


Step 2: Now you can use Wireshark or tshark to display the capture files. 


More information here: http://wiki.wireshark.org/KnownBugs




-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Attila Peter
Sent: 15 July 2009 13:30
To: wireshark-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Wireshark-users] Large capturing - memory problem


Hi Everyone!

I am capturing a large network traffic on my network. The capturing process should work for 8 hours on a gigabit interface, the network flow is beetween 6 kb/s - 1Gb/s, sum 80 Gb traffic.

Wireshark always crashes with an "OutOfMemory" error, I have already enabled the /3G switch, but  it haven't solved my problem.

Does anbody have an idea? :)

Thank you,