In message
<8a05a6780906030539k646c849erb24e89c1464a82d6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Davide
Milanesio <d.milanesio@xxxxxxxxx> writes
I'm using Wireshark v1.0.7.
Since v0.99.5, the 2dparityfec (Pro-MPEG Code of Practice #3 release 3
FEC Protocol) dissector should be implemented.
So, I imagined to be able to see something like this:
but unfortunately I can only see this:
That is, the packet is seen as a generic RTP packet and is not
automatically recognized as 2dparityfec.
Moreover, it is not possible to select '2dparityfec' in the list under
"Decode As".
I have it enabled through:
Edit > preferences > protocol > 2dparityfec
and it works fine; give that a go