Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Copying from the packet detail pane

Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 20:08:20 +0200
Hi Steve,

You can mark packets and export the marked packets to a text file.

right-click -> Mark Packet (toggle) 
Edit -> Mark Packet (toggle)

File -> Export -> File...
Packet Range -> Marked packets or First to last marked
Packet Format -> Packet details -> All collapsed, As displayed or All expanded

Hope this helps a bit;-)

On Sat, 16 May 2009 17:47:29 +0100 steve l wrote:
>Hi all,
>Does anyone know if it is possible to copy all of the text as displayed
>the wireshark packet detail section (the middle pane) to the clipboard as
>plain text?
>Have just downloaded the latest version of Wireshark (Windows) and you can
>copy a single row (by right clicking the row and choosing
>copy-->description).  Would be great if you could select multiple rows (by
>holding ctrl or shift, or pressing ctrl-a, as you do with other windows
>apps) and then get the same right click copy options (the ability to ctrl-c
>would also be nice!).
>I saw an entry in the wishlist on the wiki suggesting something similar
>(rows 10-12 of the GUI section) so i'm guessing this functionality isn't
>available yet but does anyone know if there are plans to actively look at
>this, or if there is work-around in the mean time?
>I spend quite a bit of time examining packet traces and often have to grab
>and log certain packets into a word document in a readable format...this
>ranges from a whole packet to a single field.  I have been doing this by
>expanding the sections I need and doing a screen grab until now.  However,
>the size of my doc obviously grows quickly this way, and i don't really
>the colours etc....plain fixed width text would be perfect.
>On a similar note, it would seem that the same approach could be applied
>the packet list and hex views too (ctrl, shift, ctrl-a, ctrl-c).  I guess
>most people would want ctrl-c to map to copying what you have selected as
>plain text but I guess that could be a configurable option.