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On Apr 29, 2009, at 11:19 PM, ram singh wrote:
can any one pl help me in opening a tcpdump file in wireshark. i
have captured tcpdump file in one machine and i want to open it
using wireshark in other machine.
1) run Wireshark from the command line, with the "-r" flag, and with
the argument to the "-r" flag being the pathname of the tcpdump file
2) run Wireshark and use the File > Open menu item and browse for the
tcpdump file.
Wireshark's native file format is libpcap format, which is also the
native file format of tcpdump, so one shouldn't need help to open a
tcpdump file in Wireshark; it should Just Work. If it doesn't work,
that's a bug; please report it as such, to http://bugs.wireshark.org/.