Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Mac OSX missing libraires

From: Jeff Morriss <jeff.morriss.ws@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 17:45:35 -0500

Franck Y wrote:
Hello guys,

I am running osx 10.5.6 build 9G55
I have this errr message and i do not have any pointer of what i did wrong...
i did a copy of the command line folder content in /usr/bin

Would you tell me, what is wrong.
Here is the error message.

The following errors were found while loading the MIBS:
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `IP-MIB'

I'm not entirely sure what the root cause of the problem is, but there is discussion about it (which includes a solution) in bug 3163:


Anyway the error just means that Wireshark can't load the SNMP MIBs. If you're not decoding SNMP then you can just ignore the errors.

(I'm not sure that bug really should be closed; maybe Wireshark's default path for SNMP MIBs is not correct.)