There is a short description of LOAD type graphs towards the far end of the Wireshark presentation at
ronnie sahlberg
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ronnie sahlberg
<ronniesahlberg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
LOAD is used to view/analyze the queue-depth for command-response style protocols.
You use on "response time" fields, like rpc.time for NFS.
It will then calculate and plot how the queue-depth changes throughout the capture.
For ease of implementation it uses integer math for these calculations, as such a value of 1000 on the Y-axis represents 1(ONE) I/O in flight.
This is very useful since it is shows the relation in performance between the initiator and the target and is the only real way of measuring initiator(client) performance.
ronnie sahlberg