Thanks Mr. Blok,
I was actually trying to do it this way,
and just in case added now the –R option as you had it:
tshark -i 4 -w c:\_LAB\out.cap -R http.request –V
But I get in the output file only raw
compressed HTTP data, and not the full tree. Do I need to configure something
else in the environment to make it work?
From: "Sake
Blok" <sake@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 12:20:00
Yes, you can use the "-V" command line option to
see the complete dissection tree:
$ tshark -r client.cap -R http.request -c1 -V)
From: Beno, Tal
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 12:14
Subject: Can I see all protocol
dissection through tshark?
I am fairly new and am still learning the basics.
I am trying to use tshark for background only capturing and
analysis (no display needed\wanted).
I am seeing in the captured stream only the pcap protocols
such as TCP.
My need is to dissect the packets also for all the
additional protocols as supported in the Wireshark UI (HTTP, FTP, TELNET
Is it possible through tshark (or any other non UI way)?