Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Request for information

From: Satish Chandra <satishchandracms@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:47:41 +0530

Please send this email on the wireshark-developers mailing list as they will be the better people to tell that.

As far as I know, if you are using any of wireshark source-code files of the wireshark which are under GPL license then you have to make your code open source under GPL license.

I have not much idea whether you need to do the same if you include wireshark in your installation package. It would be better not to include wireshark in the installation package and ask the customers to install it seperatly so that you are on the safer side.

I hope you are aware that putting something under GPL doesnot mean that you cannot sell it.

Thanks Regards,

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Tausif Faridi <tausifaf@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



I am developing software that would be using the captured output of wireshark. My software and wireshark will be properly decoupled.

My plan is to commercially sell the software as an appliance where in my software and wireshark will be preinstalled. I need to confirm would this be permissible under the wireshark GPL license
Tausif Ahmed Faridi

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Satish Chandra