Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] t-shark add column output: radiotap.datarate, how to?

From: George Nychis <gnychis@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 21:17:42 -0500
Thanks Jaap!  I sincerely appreciate the response.

- George

Jaap Keuter wrote:

Unfortunately not. The code that shows the value in Wireshark is

                 proto_tree_add_uint_format(radiotap_tree, hf_radiotap_datarate,
                         tvb, offset, 1, tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset),
                         "Data Rate: %d.%d Mb/s", rate / 2, rate & 1 ? 5 : 0);

What this says is that the raw packet value is set as value for this field, while the presentation is a digested version of it. You get to see the raw value as output.

But it's your lucky day. There is already a column with the correct value: %x


George Nychis wrote:
Hi all,

I was digging through the wireshark mailing list archives and found this post:

Sake mentions:
"Added to that that it's now possible to add any field to the -Ttext output by using '"<title>", "%Cus:<fieldname>"' this gives you about all the flexibility you want."

I would like to output radiotap.datarate, just as Wireshark would output it, so I put:
'"Rate", "%Cus:radiotap.datarate"'

... however it outputs 2*radiotap.datarate, which is actually how I think it is stored in the radiotap header. But, is there any way to get it to output it like Wireshark does, as radiotap.datarate/2 as a float?

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