Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] remote capture with a pipe: "unrecognized libpcap format"

From: KaZ <k2a1z9@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:44:45 +0200

I'm trying to make a remote capture. I'm on a Mac (OS X Leopard 10.5.5), and I want to do it on a solaris 10.

Here it's very well explained:

My limitation is that the solaris machine is a "light" solaris (many many things removed, impossible to compile anything on it), with only "snoop".

This version of snoop can only save packets in a file (or display a cleaned up version of the packets, so no libpcap format to stdout). The file is in the libpcap format (I can open it with Wireshark).

I try this:

– On the remote machine: "snoop -d ce4 -o trace.cap port 5060" to snoop SIP messages on interface ce4.

– On my mac: "mkfifo /tmp/wireshark_pipe"
– On my mac: "ssh username@remoteIP "cat /opt/sniffer/traces-ce4.cap" > /tmp/wireshark_pipe"
– On my mac: "wireshark -k -i /tmp/wireshark_pipe

When the first packet arrives, wireshark displays "unrecognized libpcap format".

I tried to capture with tshark into a pipe on my mac and open the pipe with wireshark, and it works. So, either the snoop has a pipe incompatible libpcap format (?! not possible, is it?) or the ssh changes something in the encoding of the libpcap data making it unreadable to wireshark.

Any ideas what I could try? Do you know where I can find a precompiled tcpdump or tshark for solaris 10 / SPARC (maybe the problem is with snoop)?
