Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Problem with Wireshark on Mac.

From: John Nickell <jcnickell@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:55:15 -0500
This is my first attempt at helping on the forum so please bear with me, but are you running wireshark as sudo? I'm able to re-create behaviour similar to what you described by just typing "wireshark" in the terminal. If you type "sudo wireshark" you should be able to see your interfaces.

There are multiple ways to modify the terminal's path, and I'm fairly new to it as well, but try this: Open Terminal, it should open in your home directory symbolized by <computer name>:~
Type:  nano .profile (or use your preferred text editor)
Find the line that begins with "export PATH="
 The last part of that line should be ":$PATH"
Put the full directory path to your wireshark install before that final ":$PATH" and separate it from the other paths with a ":"
for example mine shows:
   export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
If I wanted to add /etc/bin my .profile would show:
   export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/etc/bin:$PATH

After you've finished the path Hit Ctrl+X to exit nano, agree to the changes and once your back at the prompt, I'd go ahead and close and reopen the terminal app. to verify that it worked type in:
echo $PATH

About the ChmodBPF, I'm not sure what advise to give you.
Hope this helps,

Abhishek Dwaraki wrote:
Hey folks,
Just needed some help on getting Wireshark to run on a MacBook Pro. It is an Intel based Mac and this is the story till now. I downloaded the .dmg file from Sourceforge,net and have installed the app correctly. The next step happens to be copying those files for the Wireshark command line into some dir that is there is PATH. I did not get this step. Actually, I am not able to edit my $PATH variable to point to wherever I have copied the files to. The other problem is that the Startup mode thing, ChmodBPF does not seem to work for me. I am actually new to this and do not know if I am doing this right. Could someone help me get this sorted out? I am able to run Wireshark, but am not seeing any interfaces to capture on. I am guessing that this is because of the above problem. Someone please let me know how to get this thing running on my laptop. It is kind of urgent since I am on a project and need to get this up and running. Thanks in advance for all the help.


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