Hi Ian,
I was able to compile and run wireshark 1.0.2 from source.
It was not easy though for me.(Well partly could be because I'm a Mac newbie)
I had to install GTK+ using MacPorts as well as upgrade my XQuartz to XQuartz 2.3.0 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple5)
since the X server installed with 10.5.2 (or 10.5.4) is an older version (2.1.2 I think)
If you install the above two packages and compile wireshark from source you should be able to run wireshark
Do give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Ian Schorr
<ian.schorr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Actually, now that I have a look at the Application Bundles...
I see that in Wireshark 1.0.0, the bundle contained a number of libraries, including the libpng12.0.dylib. Many of these have been removed in 1.0.1 and
1.0.2. So it's falling back to the ones in /usr/X11/lib/, which at least on our machines is incompatible. There are a handful of other libraries needed (like libXrandr.2.dylib) that are incompatible as well.
Were these libraries removed intentionally from the bundle, or is it a mistake? The newer versions are significantly smaller than the 1.0.0, but my vote would be to have the larger app bundle than to have one with external dependency nonsense.
IanOn Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Ian Schorr
<ian.schorr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have the same problem trying Wireshark 1.0.2, and had the same problem when 1.0.1 was released. 1.0.0 works fine.
Presumably either you and I have something installed that others don't, or we're missing something that many of the rest of the Mac users have installed.
I'm also running OS X
10.5.2. Has anyone run into this and been able to correct it? Found a X11 package/binary that replaces this library with one that gels with Wireshark?
I wonder if it'd be a good idea/possible to distribute this library (and other dependencies) in the Wireshark.app package to avoid these kinds of conflicts?
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