I am working on a project for improving performance, for this I am using wireshare to observe time taken by response to come back for a particular request.
for some request's , I get server acknowledgment to that request and then later i get response for that request ( say it is case 1) , but for other request ( different request url ) I get server's acknowledgment and response in the same frame ( say it is case 2).
# Case 1
I am copying wireshark frames in this case.
Request sent
/FXTrader/Workflow.do?requestURI=dropdownCcy&event=dropdownCcySelected&workflowMessage.ccyPair=USDJPY&workflowMessage.customField=DirectFXTrader_DirectFXTrader_Tradi ngTab0_DealingRateCcPair5&workflowMessage.activetab=DirectFXTrader_TradingTab0&workflowMessage.index=5 &workflowMessage.resetCFs=false&workflowMessage.tenor=SPOT&workflowMessage.validate=tenor&workflowMessage.ccyCustomFieldsList= HTTP/1.1 (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)"
Server's acknowledgement to my request
"789","83.709141","","","TCP","http > pptp [ACK] Seq=86180 Ack=42783 Win=32767 Len=0"
This is acknowledgement to the segment in frame in :788
Response to my request
"794","84.024469","","","HTTP/XML","HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
<qtPanel><tenors val='SPOT~IMM1~IMM2~1W~2W~1M~2M'/><tenor val='SPOT'/> <isBD val='false'/></qtPanel>
# Case 2
Request Sent
"265","20.797080","","","HTTP","GET /jmsproxy/?cmd=P&uid=524504&c=20&wMs=5000&p=1&aIL=&rL=125&mI=125&mpt=250&lmc=20&QTpt=16&IRpt=0&sts=200&ld=18:216:230&ts=1219051797502&nTQ=11&nTI=3 HTTP/1.1"
This frame shows that it is Server's acknowledgement to my request as well as it contains response, so i am assuming that it is
"266","20.899251","","","HTTP","HTTP/1.1 200 OK (text/html)"
This is acknowledgement to the segment in frame in :265
<script>parent.p([["TQ",1,0,"TQAUDUSD",{"V":"AUD/USD~TRD2cbe1d01ed11bd5263b743ea9d7~USD~4~2~0.0~0.0~0.0~0.0~0.0~0.0~0~20080820~10000~1.0$T1 #0.6875#0.6850#2.5E7#3.0E7#A#0#0#$T2#0.6874#0.6851#5.0E7#6.0E7#A#0#0#$T3#0.6873#0.6852#7.5E7#9.0E7#A
So my doubt is why there is a difference between these two cases ? Actually my concern is that in case#1 , I am getting response after around 400ms but in case#2 that is only 100 ms.I want to modify my case#1 to reduce this delay.
I can think of following possible
1. The size of the request is higher in case#1 as compared to case#2.
2. response is http/xml in cases#1
3. content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded in Case#1.
I will appreciate any help or suggestiong in this regard.
Thanks in advance.
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