Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Reassembly of HTTP packets

From: Daniel Gramsch <daniel.gramsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 17:25:43 +0200
Hello Abhik,

very fast ;-) - thank you! But I am not looking for the content of the reassembled packets, just for the overall packet size.
The window under the menu (File > Export > Object > HTTP) seems to contain these information, so how can I exctract the two columns (packet num and bytes)
from there? Just copy it and save this window content into a text file is not possible or am I wrong?

What I want to have at last is a kind of list in the following way:

http packet size 100	( this packet does not need to be reassembled, cause it fits in a single tcp packet )
http packet size 1460	( this packet does not need to be reassembled, cause it fits in a single tcp packet )
http packez size 1461 	( one http packet but from reassembled tcp packets )
http packet size 2083	( one http packet but from reassembled tcp packets )

And is it possible to get the "File > Export > Object > HTTP" information via tshark?
As I said I just need the reassembled packet sizes and of course the packet number.

Thanks a lot again,

Hello Daniel,
Yes, this is very much possible from the menu:
File > Export > Object > HTTP
Hope this helps
On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Daniel Gramsch <dagra@xxxxxx> wrote:

is it possible to view (and export) only reassembled HTTP packets in
wireshark, even when their length is larger than the maximum
transmission unit of an ip packet? I will give an example:

tcp packet 1 contains some HTTP data . The data size is 1460 bytes,
which is the max possible tcp payload in my network.
tcp packet 2 contains the rest of the HTTP data. The data size is f.e.
900 bytes.

The reassembled HTTP packet size is therefore 2360 bytes. It would be
nice if there is a possibility where only this reassembled packets could
be viewed or better saved via wireshark. So how can this be done?

Thanks for your help,
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