Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Build Failure. Please help!

From: "Sandoval, Andres R" <Andres.R.Sandoval@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 12:23:41 -0700
Hello all,

I am a new user of Wireshark 1.0.0 and am setting up my build environment on Windows XP.  I  have followed the instructions as mentioned in the Developer user guide and everything was working fine until I encountered this problem. 

When I run the command,

nmake -f makefile.nmake setup

I receive the following fail:

C:\Program Files\Wireshark>Nmake -f Makefile.nmake setup

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Checking for required applications:
        cl: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN/cl
        link: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN/link
        nmake: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/BIN/nmake

        bash: /usr/bin/bash
        bison: /usr/bin/bison
        flex: /usr/bin/flex
        env: /usr/bin/env
        grep: /usr/bin/grep
        /usr/bin/find: /usr/bin/find
        perl: /usr/bin/perl
        C:/python24/python.exe: /cygdrive/c/python24/python.exe
        sed: /usr/bin/sed
        unzip: /cygdrive/c/oracle/10gR2Client/bin/unzip
        wget: /usr/bin/wget
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/adns-1.0-win32-05
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gettext-0.14.5
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gettext-runtime-0.17
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gettext-runtime-0.17-1
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/glib
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/glib-gtk1-hack
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gnutls-1.6.1-1
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gtk2
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gtk+
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/gtk-wimp
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/kfw-2.5
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/libiconv-1.9.1.bin.woe32
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/lua5.1
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/libsmi-0.4.5
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/nasm-2.00
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/pcre-6.4
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/pcre-7.0
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/portaudio_v18_1
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/portaudio_v19
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/user-guide
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/WpdPack
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/AirPcap_Devpack_1_0_0_594
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/zlib123
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/zlib123-dll
        rm -r -f C:\wireshark-libs-1.0/upx301w
        if not exist C:\wireshark-libs-1.0 md C:\wireshark-libs-1.0

****** glib-2.14.6-2.zip ******
No HTTP proxy specified (http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY are empty).
Downloading gtk2.12/glib-2.14.6-2.zip into C:\WIRESH~1.0, installing into glib
--2008-08-01 07:52:11--  http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark-win32-libs/tags/
Resolving anonsvn.wireshark.org... failed: Unknown host.
wget: unable to resolve host address `anonsvn.wireshark.org'

ERROR: Can't download http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark-win32-libs/tags/200

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.EXE' : return code '0x1'

Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advanced,
