Hello –
I want to know if it is possible to relocate a wirshark
installation to a different path ( and perhaps different machine ) after doing
a “make install”.
Basically I want to do this
Un-tar wireshark source
Run ./configure –prefix=/home/joeuser/wireshark
make install
cd /home/joeuser
tar –cvf wrs.tar ./wireshark
copy tar file ( wrs.tar) to another system and install
it at say /home/bobuser/wireshark
On the first system, I am not allowed to have root so I
cannot install under /usr/local but I must build on this system since it
has all the tools, libraries, etc
Needed by wireshark to build.
But I need to run wireshark on the second system. This
system however doesn’t have the tools, etc, to build wireshark.
I am using wireshark 1.0.0 and Linux ( Fedora Core ).
Ed -