Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] How does wireshark get "Time" shown in the listview?

From: Xu nanxuan <mybayern1974@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 23:40:35 +0800
Great Thanks to your detail explaination!

> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 09:46:53 -0700
> From: guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: wireshark-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Wireshark-users] How does wireshark get "Time" shown in the listview?
> Xu nanxuan wrote:
> > My question is just like the title. Is the time consistent with the
> > system time that is shown in the Taskbar of Windows OS?
> "Consistent" in what sense?
> If you're capturing on a regular network adapter, the time stamp comes,
> as far as I know, from the same operating system timer that supplies the
> current time to user-mode code such as the taskbar code, so it should be
> consistent in that sense.
> For captures done by Wireshark (or tcpdump/WinDump, or any other program
> using libpcap/WinPcap), the time stamp is in seconds and microseconds
> since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC - i.e., the time stamps in the
> capture file are not in local time, they're in Universal Time (well,
> maybe TA1, but we won't worry about leap seconds here :-)).
> If you are reading a capture that was done on a machine in a different
> time zone, the time stamps will be displayed as time stamps in the time
> zone of the machine on which you're reading the capture, not in the time
> zone of the machine on which the capture was done.
> > And another question: Take the folollowing two lines for example:
> >
> > ==========================
> > time1 server->client packetinfo1
> > time2 client->server packetinfo2
> > ==========================
> >
> > If the wireshark is installed on the client side, then it's easy to
> > understand how time1 can be captured:when packet arrives at client, the
> > wireshark record the time1 in some way.
> >
> > However, how does wireshark know time2? time2 means that the packet
> > arrives at server at time2,
> No, time2 means that the host capturing the packet saw the packet at
> time2. If the host sent the packet, that's the time when the packet was
> sent. If Wireshark is running on a third machine capturing
> promiscuously, that's the time when *it* received the packet.
> Furthermore, a time stamp isn't necessarily the time when the packet
> arrives at the host; it's the time when the code doing the capturing
> sees the packet. For packets that the host receives, that happens after
> any interrupt latency and after any processing done by the networking
> driver and networking stack before the time stamping is done.
> Furthermore, note that the networking adapter and driver might be
> "batching" packets, which adds an additional delay be tween the arrival
> of the packet at the adapter and the driver seeing the packet.
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