Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Why the result of "Export file" is inconsistent with that

From: "Rob MacKenzie" <rmackenzie@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 11:12:32 -0400

I tried re-creating your error but could not with Wireshark 1.0.0


Please attach the files in question and explain further what you are trying to accomplish. 


Rob MacKenzie
Advanced Connectivity Developer

From: wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Xu nanxuan
Sent: May 25, 2008 2:07 AM
To: wireshark-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Wireshark-users] Why the result of "Export file" is inconsistent with that in list column


After capturing packets, I select "File->Export->File", and save the packet information in a .txt file. However, the content in the txt file is inconsistent with that in the Wireshark console(I just save the main column info excluding the detail info). e.g, in wireshark column, one line is:
 No. Time Info                           src dst protocal
156  time Seq=xx,ACK=xx,Len=xx  src dst tcp
however, the relevant line in the text file is:
No. Time Info                                                                  src dst protocal
156  time Unknown Packet Type: 113[Unreassembled Packet]  src dst tds
(I disable the "reassemble option" in the Preferences Menu. )
what is the reason?

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