Jaap Keuter wrote:
The bug report 2424 wasn't deleted as you state (bugzilla doesn't provide for
that), it was closed because it was invalid.
...and it was closed by the submitter of the bug.
3. You could open your Terminal.app and type 'ls -l /dev/bpf*'.
That should show you a list of devices.
The text of the README.macosx is written from a developer point of view. The
source tree referenced can be viewed here if you like:
In there is a script ChmodBPF that makes the required modifications for you.
It's also the "Startup" folder in the "Utilities" folder in the .dmg.
Unfortunately, it can't just be dragged and dropped. It needs to be
owned by the super-user, and dragging and dropping it won't do that.
(Also, the folder needs to be named "ChmodBPF", not "Startup", just as
the script is called "ChmodBPF".)
It *might* be possible to make it draggable-and-droppable. If not, we'd
have to make it an installer package to make it easier to install.