Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] How to check why web pages slow?

From: Hansang Bae <hbae@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 14:53:29 -0400
Geoff Cox wrote:
I have a web site where the first page comes down straight away but
there is a gap of 25 seconds or so before I can enter an email

How do I find out what is causing this delay?

Using Firefox Firebug and/or YSlow I see that 5 js files are

downloaded but neither help me to see what the delay is.

chances, are these are application level slowness. So you may be better off using something like HTTPAnalyzer (www.ieinspector.com/httpanalyzer) to see what the conversation looks like.

