On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 02:11:46PM +0100, Michele Pedrolli wrote:
> I was looking for a way to plot with IO Graphs a graph with cumulative
> bytes lenght on Y axis.
> I tried to manually define the unit of the Y axis using the 'Advanced'
> feature, choosing from the Calc box the SUM(*) function for the
> "frame.len" field.
> But I wasn't able to obtain the desired cumulative graph, which should
> be increasing.
What's happening there is it is plotting the sum of the frame lengths
over each time interval on the graph.
> Is there a way to plot this graph with IO Graphs?
I don't think there is right now. There would have to be a frame
dissector field that stored the cumulative number of bytes since the
beginning of the capture.