I don't really know anything about Darwing, but the website said RTP, so you might already have it encapsulated properly.
To perform your measurements, take a capture, right click on one of your video frames and click Decode As -> RTP.
Then follow the instructions here:
On 2/29/08, Fabiana moreno <fvmoreno@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Jake for answering my question!!! but how do i encapsulate my video?? do i need a tool for that?
i'm using darwing streamer server...I'm pretty new to all this and i need help!
On 29/02/2008, Jake Peavy <djstunks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I believe your video must be RTP encapsulated to perform these
measurements. Simple UDP or TCP encapsulation of MPEG_TS is not
Hello! I'm writting because i've been reading so much documentation about this software but the more i read the more questions i have!
I'm streaming an mpeg-4 video trhough a wireless lan using rtsp protocol. my question is how can i calculate the jitter, packet loss and packet drops of all the data that i received and i have saved in a document. (the two only protocols i see is tcp and trsp)...i dont know which one to filter in order to get what i want. I have been playing around with the software and reading the documentation but i just dont get it. I really need your help and this may be trivial to you guys but i need to get started. Thank you very much!!
Once while walking through the mall a guy came up to me and said, 'Hey, how's it going?' So I grabbed his arm and twisted it up behind his head and said 'Now who's asking the questions?'