Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] SSL Decryption on the Fly

From: "Robert D. Scott" <robert@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:17:44 -0500
I am having trouble getting decrypted output.

Debug Output:
ssl_init keys string:,443,http,L:\2007\satst\satst.erp.ufl.edu.cer
ssl_init found host entry,443,http,L:\2007\satst\satst.erp.ufl.edu.cer
ssl_init addr port 443 filename
ssl_load_key: can't import pem data

I have all the original cert info for the server, the .csr, the .crt, and
the .key 

Every combination I try generates the can't import pem data. I know this is
the right cert, because I built the pkcs12 file from them to load into our
Cisco SSL offload module.


Robert D. Scott                 Robert@xxxxxxx
Senior Network Engineer         352-273-0113 Phone
CNS - Network Services          352-392-2061 CNS Receptionist
University of Florida           352-392-9440 FAX
Florida Lambda Rail             352-294-3571 FLR NOC
Gainesville, FL  32611