On Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 07:15:57AM +0000, Vikas Jain wrote:
> I am new to Wireshark development and trying to set up the wireshark
> build environment for the windows platform.
Please direct development questions to our other mailing list,
wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx in the future :)
> One of the items mentioned on the Wiki and in developer's guide is to
> install the Platform SDK Server 2003 R2.
> I was just curious as to why the installation of Server 2003 R2 is
> required and which of its components are used by the Wireshark.
That is the latest SDK version that matches up with Visual Studio 2005.
It can be installed on Windows XP or Vista, 2003. Not sure why it is
called Server 2003 R2. (I usually develop Wireshark on Unix, so I'm not
as familiar with the Windows development tools).