On 12/22/2007 12:10 AM, Stephen Fisher wrote:
Would you
mind opening a bug report (marked as an enhancement request) at
http://bugs.wireshark.org to request this feature?
I never mind putting things on other people's to-do lists! :)
Done (#2131)
or another tool (either free or commercial but not enterprise-priced)?
If I remember correctly, Sniffer can do memory only capturing, but I'm
not positive. I don't know how much it costs, but there are free demos
Sadly, Sniffer looks to be dearly departed; Network General (nee McAfee
nee NAI) is now part of NetScout/nGenius, and Sniffer's not a separate
product anymore... they seem to be targeted at big enterprise networks,
with pricing in the $3k-to-$30k range, so you can leverage your
corporate synergies with best-of-breed multi-tier application fabric
high-granularity delivery platforms. Ah, well.
ObIRememberWhen: You know, I remember when we *had* a Sniffer. A box.
With a screen.