Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] Ring Buffer

From: "Gael Anguilet" <Gael.Anguilet@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 23:45:10 +0200
I am using wireshark Version 0.99.5 (SVN Rev 20677)
I need to make a capture using tshark.
I just want to generate a new capture file every 15 secondes, so I have written this :
tshark -i 2 -b duration:15  -w test.cap 
It doesn't work. It generate this message :
"tshark: Multiple capture files requested, but no maximum capture file size was specified."
If I add the option "-b filesize:10" , the duration is not "used".
So how can I start a Capture every 15 secondes in a Shell Script? 

Thank you for your help.
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